

2021-05-28 06:57:04

纪宇遥 / 音乐艺考-器乐名师
2009 年以专业第一的成绩考入深圳艺术学校,师从低音提琴演奏家,教育家梁 志和教授。
2013 年以专业第一的成绩考入中国音乐学院附属中学,师从中国低音提琴协会 会长,中国音乐学院管弦系主任,中国乐派交响乐团团长候俊侠教授。
2016 年以管弦系第一的成绩考入中国音乐学院本科,师从中国国家交响乐团, 中国爱乐乐团低音提琴首席,国家一级演奏员,教育家邵世岐教授。
2020 年以专业第一名的优异成绩毕业于中国音乐学院本科。
2018,2019 两年连续考入亚洲青年交响乐团,随团在亚洲各地巡演,受到各界 好评,并担任亚洲青年交响乐团中国地区团员代表一职。
2019 年考入小泽征尔音乐塾并担任低音提琴首席,在东京,京都等城市巡演歌 剧《卡门》,在此期间受到了著名指挥家小泽征尔先生,低音提琴演奏家池松宏 先生的亲自指导。
2019 年荣获中国音乐学院管弦系首届协奏曲比赛第一名,并与德国汉斯艾斯勒 指挥系主任 Redik 和中国青年爱乐乐团在国音堂演出,受到各界一致好评。
2019 年考入马友友主办的广东国际青年艺术周。 自 2018 年起,常年作为外借低音提琴演奏员就职于国家大剧院交响乐团,中央 芭蕾舞团,中国广播民族乐团。并随团在全国各大音乐厅演出。
2020 年任亚洲爱乐乐团担任低音提琴首席,并随团在全国巡演,受到各界好评。

Yuyao Ji Resume • 2020 - Named as the principal double bass of Asia Philharmonic Orchestra. Toured across the China. Gained playing experience and got positive feedbacks. • 2020 - Graduated from China Conservatory of Music with 1st class honor in Double Bass major. • 2019 - Awarded as the 1st place of the first Concerto Competition of the Orchestral Department of China Conservatory of Music. Had performed with Redik, Head of the Conducting Department of Hans Eisler, Germany. Got good feedback from the committee. • 2019 - Entered Seiji Ozawa Music School as the principal double bass. Performed the opera Carmen in Tokyo and Kyoto. Gained guidance abilities from the conductor and the double bassist Seiji Ozawa. • 2019 - Took part in “Guangdong International Youth Arts Week”, held by Youyou Ma. • 2018-2019 - Entered the Asian Youth Symphony Orchestra. Joined the tour to many Asian countries with the orchestra. Gained performing experience. Represented the Asian Youth Symphony Orchestra in the tour. • 2018-Present - Working as a double bass player in the National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra and the Central Ballet and the China Radio Folk Orchestra.Performed in major concert halls across China. • 2016 - Entered the China Conservatory of Music with the 1st ranking in its Orchestra Department. Studied with Prof. Shao Shiqi, Double Bass Principal of China National Symphony Orchestra; Double Bass Principal of the China Philharmonic Orchestra. • 2013 - Entered Affiliated high school of China Conservatory of Music with the 1st ranking in Double Bass Performance. Studied with Prof. Hou Junxia, President of China Double Bass Association; Head of the Orchestra Department of China Conservatory of Music Director of China Conservatory School Symphony Orchestra. • 2009 - Entered Shenzhen Art School with the 1st ranking in Double Bass major. Studied with Mr. Liang Zhihe.
